On October 13, 2023, ASTM International published Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety ASTM F963-23.

Currently, ASTM 963-17 is still a mandatory standard mandatory requirement under federal regulations 16 CFR 1250.

In accordance with section 106(g) of Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA), once ASTM International notifies the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) revisions to ASTM F963, CPSC has up to 90 days to review and respond to the revisions, and accept or reject revisions in part or whole. If the CPSC does not respond to ASTM International within 90 days regarding the revisions to ASTM F963, 90 days later (180 days total after notification by ASTM International), the revisions become effective as a consumer product safety rule.

Following is the main technical revisions affect the requirements:

  • Acoustics
  • Battery accessibility
  • Expanding materials
  • Projectiles

In addition, updates have been made to align requirements within the standard to federal and CPSC requirements relating to the following:

  • Phthalates
  • Exemptions for toy substrate materials
  • Tracking labels

Until the ASTM F963-23 is approved by the CPSC becomes the mandatory Direct Final Rule, the testing and certification of the toys manufactured shall be based on the current mandatory toy safety standard ASTM F963-17.
