On 15 Jan 2019, The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) added 6 new substances as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) to the Candidate List. Therefore, there are total 197 SVHCs in candidate list.

Below table lists out 6 newly Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) with their SVHC properties:

Substance NameEC numberCAS NumberSVHC property
2,2-bis(4′-hydroxyphenyl)-4-methylpentane401-720-16807-17-6Toxic for reproduction (Article 57c)
Benzo[k]fluoranthene205-916-6207-08-9Carcinogenic (Article 57a)PBT (Article 57d)vPvB (Article 57e)
Fluoranthene205-912-4206-44-0PBT (Article 57d)vPvB (Article 57e)
Phenanthrene201-581-585-01-8vPvB (Article 57e)
Pyrene204-927-3129-00-0PBT (Article 57d)vPvB (Article 57e)
1,7,7-trimethyl-3-(phenylmethylene)bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-one 239-139-915087-24-8Endocrine disrupting properties (Article 57(f) – environment)

Please refer to the ECHA website for more details: https://www.echa.europa.eu/-/six-new-substances-added-to-the-candidate-list

Possessing the latest equipment and a dynamic team of experts, CMA Testing offers you a comprehensive solution of all SVHC Screening services.

Apart from a wide range of testing services, CMA Testing also provide trustworthy inspection services and factory audit.

ClauseScopeDescription for the key changes in ST 2016 (2nd Edition)ļ¼š
3.21DefinitionDefinition of ā€œballā€ will be changed 
7.1.1MarkingIļ¼‰The marking requirement for ā€œIntended age rangeā€ was amendedā€¢ Indication structure, location and size of lettering of ā€œIntended age rangeā€ are stipulated in Annex III.ā€¢ Toys without indication of ā€œIntended age rangeā€ shall be regarded as toys intended for children of all ages.
7.1.1(2)Annex III( Newly Added )Indication structure, location and size of lettering of ā€œIntended age rangeā€
 iļ¼‰Indication of ā€œintended age rangeā€ shall be composed of the word ā€œåÆ¾č±”å¹“é½¢ā€ (intended age) and  the intended age of children
Terminology use for ā€œIntended age rangeā€
 iļ¼‰ā€œIntended ageā€ shall be indicated in Arabic numerals.( Chinese characters are not allowed)
 iiļ¼‰The word ā€œę‰ā€(age) shall be used to indicate the age in ā€œIntended age rangeā€ The use of formal wordā€ę­³ā€is also acceptable.
 iiiļ¼‰ā€œIntended ageā€ shall be indicated by the word ā€œę‰ā€(age) or ā€œęœˆā€(month), or combination of both;
 Ivļ¼‰When ā€œIntended ageā€ is indicated by using word ā€œęœˆā€(month), it is allowed only up to ā€œ48ć‚±ęœˆā€(48 months)
 vļ¼‰When ā€œIntended age rangeā€ includes both ages of ā€œupper limitā€ and ā€œlower limit, the indication of the age for ā€œlower limitā€ shall be fixed; the age for ā€œupper limitā€ may be indicated with wordā€é ƒā€.(Except for ride-on toys)
 viļ¼‰The word ā€œå°č±”幓齔ā€(intended age) may be omitted when there is not enough space on packaging
 Viiļ¼‰The word ā€œå¹“令ā€, the abbreviated character of ā€ 幓齢ā€(age), may be used.
Location of indication for ā€œIntended age rangeā€
Note:  The requirement of Annex III shall apply only to ā€œIntended age rangeā€ indicated on the front surface of the packaging.
The size of lettering for ā€œIntended age rangeā€
 IIļ¼‰When there are marks with messages other than ā€œIntended ageā€ near the indication for ā€œIntended age rangeā€, the size of ā€œIntended age rangeā€ shall be equal or larger than these marks.
The color of indication for ā€œIntended age rangeā€
 iļ¼‰ ā€œIntended age rangeā€ shall be indicated with a frame or given prominence by contract against its background which shall be solid (monochromatic).

CMA Testing is assisting your product in complying with latest updates. Apart from a wide range of testing services, CMA Testing also provide trustworthy inspection services and factory audit.